Help us each month - join the ‘Amici’ friends scheme
Amici members join from just £3 a month. This support gives us the security to plan ahead, so we can make even more of a difference.
Find out how we could use your support...

‘Pianissimo - pp’
Provide a student in need with a set of learning guides, workbooks and papers to get ready for their music exam.
‘Piano – p’
Help a young person start their music education journey with their first music lessons, by contributing to a block of group musicianship classes.
‘Mezzo-forte - mf’
Help us build up our music instrument lending library, providing a young person with access to a quality, entry level instrument.
‘Fortissimo - ff’
Fund specialist training for 2 of our teachers to gain expertise in Early Years or Special Needs music education provision.
We gratefully acknowledge the vital role of our supporters.
As a regular donor you will receive:
• our termly newsletter, featuring updates about our teachers, events and projects
• acknowledgment on our supporters page
• advance information about concerts and events
Mezzo-forte and Fortissimo supporters also receive:
• an invitation to observe two London Conducting Academy sessions during the academic year
Fortissimo supporters also receive:
• invitations to student platform concerts
• a personal message from the Principal or CEO during the year
“What amazing work you are doing to bring the chance of learning music to people that may not be fortunate enough to access it. I went to school in East London in the 70's and learning to play an instrument was not something my parents would have been able to afford. Luckily for me ILEA at the time chose our school to provide instruments and lessons to and it is something I am grateful for to this day. I hope this donation helps someone else to enjoy that too.”
Samantha, Amici member

‘Pianissimo - pp’
All regular donors will receive our quarterly e-newsletter, news about special outreach and bursary funded projects, acknowledgment on our supporters page, advanced information about concerts and events. ’MezzoForte’ and ‘Fortissimo’ supporters will receive an invitation to observe a London Conducting Academy session during the academic year.
‘Piano – p’
All regular donors will receive our quarterly e-newsletter, news about special outreach and bursary funded projects, acknowledgment on our supporters page, advanced information about concerts and events. ’MezzoForte’ and ‘Fortissimo’ supporters will receive an invitation to observe a London Conducting Academy session during the academic year.
‘Mezzo-forte - mf’
All regular donors will receive our quarterly e-newsletter, news about special outreach and bursary funded projects, acknowledgment on our supporters page, advanced information about concerts and events. ’MezzoForte’ and ‘Fortissimo’ supporters will receive an invitation to observe a London Conducting Academy session during the academic year.
‘Fortissimo - ff’
All regular donors will receive our quarterly e-newsletter, news about special outreach and bursary funded projects, acknowledgment on our supporters page, advanced information about concerts and events. ’MezzoForte’ and ‘Fortissimo’ supporters will receive an invitation to observe a London Conducting Academy session during the academic year.
Make a one-off donation
Each donation helps us make a difference, through music education. We are grateful for every penny we receive!

“Mia has been offered a gifted and talented place in her secondary school. Thank you for your support and for the excellent teaching.”
Major donations and legacy gifts
If you feel you are able to make a major donation towards the charity’s work or would like to consider leaving a legacy gift in your Will to the school, please contact us.
To discuss any of these matters you can contact us confidence,