We believe that music changes lives.

A happy photograph of Bethan and Ed

Founders Bethan and Ed Scolding met as students through music in 2002. As they entered the profession, they saw how music changed those they taught.

They saw music creating connections.

Building confidence.

Changing prospects.

Creating an outlet for self-expression.

And they saw how hard it is for many children to access these opportunities...

In 2016, Bethan and Ed founded

with a home-made website and a handful of students. They soon recruited like-minded teachers for a full programme of early years classes, instrument lessons, musicianship and professional training.

In just four years

We’ve become an essential force for change in South East London and beyond.

"Greenwich is in the bottom of most deprived quarter of all local authorities in England"

- Ministry of Housing, IoD 2019

"It feels kind of good to be the first one in my family to learn a musical instrument."

- Laksh (10)

of children in our first access programmes say “making music makes me feel good”

"With selective mutism… music lessons have been one of the major breakthroughs in speaking"

- Stefania, mother

We’ve taught over 1,500 children, adults and families

From experienced professionals to beginners of all ages, to parents and babies a few months old.

“The extraordinary… teaching (has) been instrumental in giving me the confidence to conduct my own concerts and recording sessions.”

- Composer Michael Csányi-Wills

“(You) inspire and support parents and children at the earliest point possible, nourishing those critical relationships right from the start.”

- Elisabeth McClure, National Creative Learning Award Judge

We’ve created a bursary scheme

We raise funds and work in partnership to extend access and reach children from the lowest income backgrounds.

of the 61 students supported by our Bursary Fund are in a household receiving Universal Credit or similar benefits.

Our students achieve their goals and gain recognition

They’ve performed in dozens of concerts, created recordings, won scholarships and passed scores of exams.

"Rose’s confidence has grown a lot through these concert opportunities with the school."

- Robin, father 

Our remodelled Vanbrugh Studio opened in 2020

This new teaching centre brings together learners and teachers, whilst our Teacher Network connects over 150 local teachers to share ideas and training – reaching hundreds of children across London.

Entrepreneurial leadership means we’re always learning

During the pandemic not a single lesson was lost - the whole school went online the day after the Prime Minister’s speech of 16th March 2020. And even as we resume face to face teaching, we innovate to extend reach through online learning.

“The online lessons have been amazing, as a single mum it has truly lightened my load.”

- Masackia, mother

"…earning the praise of parents for keeping young musicians engaged and entertained"

Increasing need

Each year we reach more and more children, young people and adults

100% of children on our progression courses say they’re excited about what they can learn next

Help us create change through music.